Sewing Room Club

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Projects in process

I do seem to always be writing about starting and finishing because one is easy and the other is difficult.

But maybe I need to realise that finishing takes ages, and stop beating myself (and making you listen to excuses) up about and just realise my projects are "in process".

My Orphan Quilt Block quilt sat made and waiting to send to the long-armer for nearly a whole year before it got posted. Maybe it was marinating or maturing, but whatever it was doing, suddenly the time was right and off into the post it went to @quiltmekiwi in Whangarei. I had decided to use her complete service - to custom quilt, provide batting, backing, and bind my quilt.

And that's just what she did. She had a backlog so it took some time to get to my quilt, but that was okay because hells teeth it had been sitting in my dusty sewing room for a year waiting for this moment.

And then the quilt came home. Wrapped carefully and when I opened the package I almost wept. She had made my Orphan Block Quilt beautiful AND she'd finished it for me!